Deutsch Ausgabe – German edition

Es freut mich sehr, dass so viele Leute in Deutschland an meinem Blog interessiert sind!

Anfang des Jahres, hat sich das Schloss Museum in Ismaning mit mir in Verbindung gesetzt und fragte nach einer Kopie von meinem Buch, obwohl es im Moment auf englisch ist. Deshalb besuchte ich im April für einige Tage meine Familie und Freunde in Ismaning und gab eine Kopie von meinem Buch dem Museum. Ich wurde gefragt ob in der nahen Zukunft eine deutsche Übersetzung erscheinen würde  –  Was konnte ich sagen? Nun, dieses ist mein neues Projekt!

Daher übersetze ich im Moment mein Buch in die deutsche Sprache. Das Schloss Museum hat schon 100 Kopien bestellt um sie in ihrem Geschäft zu verkaufen.

Im nächsten Jahresbeginn sollte es dann auch an Amazon erhältlich sein.

Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre freundlichen Worte und Unterstützung.



I am so pleased to see that there is so much interest in my blog from people in Germany!
At the beginning of this year, the Schloss Museum in Ismaning got in touch with me to ask me for a copy of my book (even though it’s only in English at the moment). So, in April I went to Ismaning for a few days to visit my friends and family and give a copy of my book to the museum. They asked me if there would soon be a German translation – What could I say? So this is my new project!

I am currently translating my book into German! The Schloss Museum has already pre-ordered the first 100 copies to sell in their gift shop, and by the end of the year it should be available auf Deutsch on Amazon!

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support.


Welcome to my blog

My name is Lisa Frei and I have just written my first book. It’s about my childhood growing up during WW2 in Ismaning, a small village near Munich, in Bavaria, Germany. Well, it was a small village when I was born. Now it is huge. Every time I go there I get lost more often than not. It also tells the stories of my 2 brothers, Shorsh and Toni, fighting on the Russian front and in Northern Finland. A few years ago, when I was a real internet novice, while researching some details for my book, I happened upon a forum where a Mr Weber (Yes, I still remember his name) was asking for information about the German soldiers in Finland, known as the Mountaineers Company. I could have easily answered his question, if only I had known how to join the forum to reply! So here I am a few years later with my own blog. I hope you enjoy looking through it and browsing through the photo galleries (I have only just started, so please be patient, I promise there is more to come) and I have gone to great lengths to ensure that all the information in my book and on this blog are historically accurate. And Mr Weber if you are still out there – their name was Gebirgsjägerregiment 139, 13 Kompanie (Mountaineer Regiment 139, 13th Company).   To leave me a comment click on comments just below. You’ll need to enter your email address, purely to ensure that your comment is not spam. Your address will never be shown on this blog and you will never receive any messages or spam from WordPress.